This article includes definitions for:
- Field
- Custom Field
- Connected Field
- Parent Field
- Connection Field
- Primary Label Field
- Swimlane Field
- Refresh Fields
- View
- Timeline View
- Gantt View
- Table View
Fields are the attributes of a record, and are displayed as columns in table view and Gantt view. Fields can also be seen in the pop up that appears when clicking on the bars in the canvas of the Gantt and Timeline views.
In Gantt view, users can select the Fields they'd like to appear on the Gantt chart. While the primary label field controls how the Records are plotted in Gantt view, users can also include additional Fields to be displayed to the right of the primary label field.
Timeline View has a special Field called Swimlane Field. This Field, combined with Start Date and End Date Fields are how Visor plots the Records on a Timeline.
To add a new Field in Table view and Gantt view, scroll the Fields all the way to the right and click the "Add Field" link at the top. (It is not possible to add additional custom Fields from timeline view at this time).
Custom Field
A Custom Field is a field that contains an attribute of a record, but that attribute can only be saved in Visor (unlike connected fields, which sync back to connected apps).
Visor supports the following Custom Field types: Plain Text, Dropdown, Date, Date/Time, Time, and Number.
Connected Field
Connected Fields contain data in Visor that is able to sync with a connected app. Connected Fields will be editable in Visor if the connected app it came from supports editing.
As users edit Connected Fields in Visor, those changes will be saved in Visor for the next sync. A yellow indicator will appear on edited cells that have not yet synced. Once a sync occurs, the yellow indicator will disappear.
Parent Field
The Parent Field is a special field that appears automatically after nesting is established in a workbook, and it indicates which record is the parent of any nested record.
The Parent Field cannot be deleted once nesting has been established within a workbook, and there is no way to add the Parent Field without first establishing nesting.
See Nesting for more information.
Connection Field
The Connection Field is the field where users can link to records in a Connected App. Each connection in Visor has exactly one Connection Field. For connected apps that support searching, users can search for external records by name. Selecting one of the choices will link that Visor record to that external record. Once that happens, Visor will pull data into the associated Connected Fields in that record.
Primary Label Field
The Primary Label Field is the field that will be used to represent the name of a record. There can only be one Primary Label Field at a time, and the value in the Primary Label Field will be used when displaying the records in Gantt view and Timeline view.
Users cannot delete or hide the Primary Label Field. However, it can be renamed, or the Primary Label Field designation can be changed to a different field.
To change which field is the Primary Label, click the header row in of the first column in Table view and select the option: "Change Primary Label."
Swimlane Field
The Swimlane Field is one of the 3 fields used to plot records in Timeline view. (The other two fields used are start date and end date.)
Users can change which field has the Swimlane Field designation by clicking in the header row of the first column in Timeline view. However, the Swimlane Field is only compatible with dropdown fields and some external fields that Visor treats like drop-downs, such as the Jira assignee field.
Here's how the 3 fields are used to plot records in Timeline view:
- The value in the record's Swimlane Field determines which swimlane record is placed in.
- The value in the record's start date field determines the left edge of the record.
- The value in the record's end date field determines the right edge of the record.
Any records that do not have a (valid) value in the assignee field will not be plotted on the timeline, nor will records that have an end date that occurs before the start date. Please note that there is currently no way to see records that do not have assignees in Timeline view at this time.
Refresh Fields
A Field Refresh is how Visor learns about your connected apps record types and fields. This then makes them available to be selected for a connection in Visor. During a Field Refresh, Visor also learns about the fields associated with record types. This is how Visor learns what dropdown choices to show for dropdown fields. It's also how Visor learns about other field behaviors, like maximum lengths.
A Field Refresh updates the configuration of a given field in Visor to best match the configuration of that field in the connected app. For example, If a Salesforce Admin increased the character limit of a field from 125 characters to 250 in Salesforce, a Field Refresh would need to be conducted in Visor to increase the character limit of the corresponding Visor field as well.
Users do not need to Refresh Fields frequently— only if a lot of changes have been made in the connected apps. Users can Refresh one Field per connected app per time.
Please keep in mind that Field Refreshes are not instantaneous, and the time it takes to complete the process will vary. Refreshing a Jira field can take anywhere from 10-15 seconds, and the time it takes to Refresh a Salesforce field can vary even more (depending on how many objects are being mapped). As Visor is exposed to more Salesforce record types, the time to complete a Field Refresh could be 50 seconds or more.
Views are the ways in which the data in a workbook are displayed and are accessible through tabs at the bottom of a workbook. All Views share the same main dataset and so a change to one should be reflected in all of them. You can use Views to set up slices of your data by creating a View and then adding a filter. There are currently three types of Views in Visor: table, Gantt, and timeline. Users can switch between Views or add new Views within a workbook by using the tabs at the bottom of the window.
Timeline View
Timeline View organizes data into a visual layout based on the start and end dates in each record and the designated swimlane field.
All records that are displayed in Timeline View are synced to data in other views, so as changes are made in Timeline View, those changes will also be displayed in table view and Gantt view as well.
Timeline View also supports connected app fields, so any changes made in Visor's Timeline View can be synchronized back to a connected app with a single click.
Gantt View
Gantt View organizes data into a visual layout based on the primary label field, as well as start date and end date. Records are displayed as tiles, and users can edit start date and end date fields by clicking and dragging the tiles on the graph.
Unlike in timeline view (which only displays the primary swimlane field), Gantt View can display multiple fields in addition to the primary label field.
All records that are displayed in Gantt View are synced to data in other views, so as changes are made in Gantt View, those changes will also be displayed in table view and timeline view as well.
Table View
Table View organizes data into sets of rows (records) and columns (fields). This view is most similar to a traditional spreadsheet, but with a few key product management-specific capabilities. Any conditional formatting that a user applies to the fields in Table View will also appear in Gantt view and Timeline view.
All records that are displayed in Table View are synced to data in other views, so as changes are made in Table View, those changes will also be displayed in Gantt View and Timeline view as well.